Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Well, to catch things up a bit: We have less than a week now before we head out to Arizona. I have had a few phone interviews and have some face to face interviews coming up when we get there. Ian's been pretty much guaranteed a job at the restaurant he used to work at.

Packing is most certainly not my favorite past time. We have way more meaningless belongings than I thought we had, not to mention the amount of clothing that people have given to me that i just never say no to--even though it doesn't fit! But this is why i love moving. I love to purge. (not to mention my nomadic tendencies) We never really realize how much useless stuff we keep around until we have to fit it all neatly into boxes.

So next on the agenda is a goodwill run. Which brings me to a little rant. Thrift stores. Around Seattle we have two main options in thrift stores: Good Will and Value Village. There are a few others but more or less these are the two that the masses frequent. I will be taking our no-longer-needed belongings to Good Will because Value Village, though marketed like a non-profit is just the opposite. You take your clothes there, they sell them for their own profit. You take your clothes to Good Will, and they are sold so the company can offer education, occupation and training to people who are: welfare dependant, homeless, and who lack the education or work experience needed to find a job, as well as those with physical, mental and emotional disabilities (directly quoted from goodwill.org). So friends, take a second, wherever you are, and look up the info on your local thrift store. If it's not a non-profit please find one that is. It's really an easy way to help out the community.


1 comment:

Eric said...

ah...Value Villiage. My mom once bought something there (a blouse?) for my sister, which my sister promptly snuck back into the donation pile and was eventually re-shelved at the V.V.. Weeks later, Mom unwittingly bought it for her again. Hope mom doesn't read your blog. :)